Phone behavior study Apps

Trusted Contacts Study App 1.0.5
If you are not from Mechanical Turk or donotknow what that is, then do NOT download this application.Use of this app constitutes acceptance of the following terms:During the first phase of the experiment, this applicationwillread your contacts and the call and text message logs onyourdevice for the purpose of displaying suggested trusted contactstoyou. During this phase, the app does not send or sharethisinformation with any party, even the app developer, and theappdoes not send text messages or make phone calls fromyourdevice.During the second phase of the experiment, if you choosetoparticipate, the app will temporarily set itself as thedefaultmessaging app and send text messages to your selectedcontactscontaining account recovery codes. You will obtain thesecodes fromyour trusted contacts and submit them in the task.You may not copy, modify, distribute, sell, or lease any partofthis app, nor may you reverse engineer or attempt to extractthesource code of this software, unless laws prohibitthoserestrictions or you have our written permission.Do not use this app in a way that distracts you and preventsyoufrom obeying traffic or safety laws.SOME JURISDICTIONS PROVIDE FOR CERTAIN WARRANTIES, LIKETHEIMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR APARTICULARPURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BYLAW, WEEXCLUDE ALL WARRANTIES. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, OURTOTALLIABILITY FOR ANY CLAIMS UNDER THESE TERMS, INCLUDING FORANYIMPLIED WARRANTIES, IS LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT YOU PAID US TO USETHEAPP. IN ALL CASES, WE WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS ORDAMAGETHAT IS NOT REASONABLY FORESEEABLE.
Phone Study App 1.0.3
If you are not from Mechanical Turk or donotknow what that is, then do NOT download this application.Use of this app constitutes acceptance of the following terms:This application will read your contacts and the call andtextmessage logs on your device for the purpose of displayingsuggestedtrusted contacts to you. During this phase, the app doesnot sendor share this information with any party, even the appdeveloper,and the app does not send text messages or make phonecalls fromyour device.You may not copy, modify, distribute, sell, or lease any partofthis app, nor may you reverse engineer or attempt to extractthesource code of this software, unless laws prohibitthoserestrictions or you have our written permission.Do not use this app in a way that distracts you and preventsyoufrom obeying traffic or safety laws.SOME JURISDICTIONS PROVIDE FOR CERTAIN WARRANTIES, LIKETHEIMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR APARTICULARPURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BYLAW, WEEXCLUDE ALL WARRANTIES. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, OURTOTALLIABILITY FOR ANY CLAIMS UNDER THESE TERMS, INCLUDING FORANYIMPLIED WARRANTIES, IS LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT YOU PAID US TO USETHEAPP. IN ALL CASES, WE WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS ORDAMAGETHAT IS NOT REASONABLY FORESEEABLE.